dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2014


Designed by
Isabel Gelabert Albertí and Joan Gelabert Vich
IES Arxiduc Lluís Salvador. Palma de Mallorca.

Adapted by Norbert Fusté.
London is one of the most exciting cities in the world: culture, history, art, parks, museums, shopping, science, music, monuments and the language.
English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and many students go to England to study the language, but most students who are learning English as a subject in a Secondary School have never been to London. Unfortunately you might not be able to visit it, in person but somehow you can, virtually, of course, on this trip to London.

You join a team and work together trying to find out where your friend is in London. You move around sightseeing while you learn about history, art, culture....
Your team consists of:

- An art student
- A reporter
- A history student
- An engineer
Each member of the team will visit sites and answer the following questions:


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